Paola Tonato, Language Therapy – Fundación Triada

Paola Tonato, Language Therapy

Paola Tonato, Language Therapy

Hello everyone, I’m Pao and I work in the Language Therapy department of Fundación Triada. The greatest joy of my work is to see how the people with whom I work progress; like Jonathan, a child with an intellectual disability who when he arrived here did not speak anything and could not understand an order and now, when he says complete sentences, you can see in his eyes how proud he feels, just as I am proud of him.
Each user that comes here has their own needs, so the first thing I do is observe, realize what is the best way to communicate: maybe a gesture, a sound, the important thing is to identify their capacity and develop it so that can relate to the world.

“I love my work, it’s a wonderful experience”

To do language therapy you have to use all the creativity and love, for example a simple empty tube of paper towels can become a special microphone to make voices, like the wolf in the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
Siempre le digo a toda la gente que lo más importante en la vida es tratar a cada uno como lo que es: un ser humano, sin importar la realidad que le haya tocado vivir. Solo tenemos que abrir el corazón y entender que si damos una mano, podemos cambiar una vida.
With perseverance, perseverance and love, everything is possible.

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