First I studied Infant Education at the UTPL, to work with regular children and I never imagined specializing in people with disabilities, but a little girl – Sara – changed my world. In the Foundation we started in 2011 with her and 4 other little ones, and then we were growing, each new person that arrived was different, each had their own struggle, but everyone was happy and I liked the ability they always had to smile … He taught me that sometimes you complicate your life for nothing. I saw them and I said to myself: “What’s wrong with you?”
“I am no longer the same person, now I see life differently”
Fundación Triada changed me, I come here and I am in another world where there is no sadness. Someone said that emotion should not be mixed with work, but it is impossible. You make a bond with them and you can not work without love, you have to do it with your heart.
Quiero aprovechar este medio para decirle a todo el mundo que siempre hay algo más que hacer, solo es cuestión de abrir nuestra mente y nuestro corazón. Sueño con un futuro en el que las personas con capacidades diferentes tengan más oportunidades, sobre todo económicas, porque eso hace la diferencia.

Fundación Triada changed me, I come here and I am in another world where there is no sadness. Someone said that emotion should not be mixed with work, but it is impossible. You make a bond with them and you can not work without love, you have to do it with your heart.
I want to take this means to tell everyone that there is always something else to do, it’s just a matter of opening our minds and our hearts. I dream of a future in which people with different abilities have more opportunities, especially economic ones, because that makes the difference.